Organized by Pune Metropolitan District Tennis Association


Under 8-Boys-Singles ( 20 entries )     VEDAANT AGARWAL ( Winner)
Under 8-Girls-Singles ( 12 entries )     SAMAIRA THAKUR ( Winner)
Under 10-Boys-Singles ( 42 entries )     HARSH NAGWANI ( Winner)
Under 10-Girls-Singles ( 23 entries )     SAMAIRA THAKUR ( Winner)


PMDTA Ranking Presidency Jr Tour, Bronze Series Tournament

  • Tournament Days


Entries Open : 18-09-2023 09:09:00
Entries Deadline : 21-09-2023 17:09:00

Partners and Sponsors


Presidency’s Fedal Tennis Academy
International skating ring, opposite to Cafe coffe day, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014,
Pune, Maharashtra, 411014


Contact Person Email Number
Ravi Deverkonda 8007766719

Under 8-Boys-Singles

Age Restrictions : Born on or after 01-01-2015
Registration Fee : INR 500
Progression : Knockout

Under 8-Girls-Singles

Age Restrictions : Born on or after 01-01-2015
Registration Fee : INR 500
Progression : Knockout

Under 10-Boys-Singles

Age Restrictions : Born on or after 01-01-2013
Registration Fee : INR 500
Progression : Knockout

Under 10-Girls-Singles

Age Restrictions : Born on or after 01-01-2013
Registration Fee : INR 500
Progression : Knockout

Under 8-Boys-Singles

# Full Name Gender Age
1 profile-imageYUVRAAJ DWIVEDI Male NA
2 profile-imagePALASH THAKRE Male NA
3 profile-imageRAJVEER BABAR Male NA
4 profile-imageVIHAAN DEODHARE Male NA
5 profile-imageKIAAN PENDURKAR Male NA
6 profile-imageKARTIKEYA SURA Male NA
7 profile-imageARJUN KOGEKAR Male NA
8 profile-imageRHYDWEN LANDGE Male NA
9 profile-imageSUSHRUT JADHAV Male NA
10 profile-imageVEDAANT AGARWAL Male NA
11 profile-imageAVJOY VERMA Male NA
12 profile-imageKESHAVADITYA SINGH Male NA
13 profile-imagePARAS HINGANE Male NA
14 profile-imageKAUSHAL DABHOLE Male NA
15 profile-imageSHIVANK BARAWADE Male NA
16 profile-imageSARVESH MOHITE Male NA
17 profile-imageTAKSH KARWA Male NA
18 profile-imageSHREYASH CHOUTMAHAL Male NA
19 profile-imageANOOP SHIRUR Male NA
20 profile-imagePRAYAN DHAGE Male NA

Under 8-Girls-Singles

# Full Name Gender Age
1 profile-imageSAMAIRA THAKUR Female NA
2 profile-imageVENU RAUT Female NA
3 profile-imageDIVIJA SAHAY Female NA
4 profile-imageYUKTA KUTE Female NA
5 profile-imageAKSHITA MATHAPATI Female NA
6 profile-imageADIRA BHAGAT Female NA
7 profile-imageAARADAYA PAWAR Female NA
8 profile-imageVAANI CHATTUR Female NA
9 profile-imageSAMAIRA TAMHANE Female NA
10 profile-imageMISHIKA SEHGAL Female NA
11 profile-imageANNIKA KANITKAR Female NA
12 profile-imagePRAGYA JAIN Female NA

Under 10-Boys-Singles

# Full Name Gender Age
1 profile-imageRISHABH A Male NA
2 profile-imageRYAN GEORGE Male NA
3 profile-imageREYANSH JAGTAP Male NA
4 profile-imageRIDIT NAVALE Male NA
5 profile-imageAYAANN JAMENISS Male NA
6 profile-imageSHREYASH CHOUTMAHAL Male NA
7 profile-imageKABIR BORSE Male NA
8 profile-imageVIHAAN SABOO Male NA
9 profile-imageVEER GADIA Male NA
10 profile-imageSANIDHYA DESHPANDE Male NA
11 profile-imageADIK RAYKHERE Male NA
12 profile-imageVEDANT AGARWAL Male NA
13 profile-imageVIRAJ KULKARNI Male NA
14 profile-imageAARUSH DESHPANDE Male NA
15 profile-imageVIAAN PENDURKAR Male NA
16 profile-imageOJAS PAWAR Male NA
17 profile-imageAAKESH BICHUKALE Male NA
18 profile-imageRAJVEER BABAR Male NA
19 profile-imageSUSHRUT JADHAV Male NA
20 profile-imageKUMAR KAUTILYA Male NA
21 profile-imageADITYA UPADHYE Male NA
22 profile-imageABHIMANYU CHAVAN Male NA
23 profile-imageARINJAY BANG Male NA
24 profile-imageJAINEEL PARMAR Male NA
25 profile-imageHARSH KATKAR Male NA
26 profile-imageSAMAR SIDHU Male NA
27 profile-imageSHAURYA SOOD Male NA
28 profile-imageSHIVANK BARAWADE Male NA
29 profile-imageAHAN BHATTACHARYYA Male NA
30 profile-imageARIHAN   PAREEK Male NA
31 profile-imagePALASH JAIN Male NA
32 profile-imageSASYAKRITIK SURA Male NA
33 profile-imageVIVAAN DIKKAR Male NA
35 profile-imageRAJWARDHAN KHANEKAR Male NA
36 profile-imageSHITIZ PRASAD Male NA
37 profile-imageSHARVIL GANGAKHEDHAR Male NA
38 profile-imageADVIK JHA Male NA
39 profile-imageADVAY NIKAM Male NA
40 profile-imageANAND KAMAT Male NA
41 profile-imageNEIL MOHRAIL Male NA
42 profile-imageHARSH NAGWANI Male NA

Under 10-Girls-Singles

# Full Name Gender Age
1 profile-imageZIYA SAIFY Female NA
2 profile-imageTASMAI POHAKAR Female NA
3 profile-imagePRAGYA JAIN Female NA
4 profile-imageTHEA DESAI Female NA
5 profile-imageYUKTA KUTE Female NA
6 profile-imageIRA BHARADWAJ Female NA
7 profile-imagePALAK PATIL Female NA
8 profile-imageKANISHKA NARUKA Female NA
9 profile-imageSAANVI KADU Female NA
10 profile-imageADIRA BHAGAT Female NA
11 profile-imageDIVIJA SAHAY Female NA
12 profile-imageISHNA NAIDU Female NA
13 profile-imageSANVI GOSANI Female NA
14 profile-imageSHRIYA NANGUDE Female NA
15 profile-imageAARADHYA   PAWAR Female NA
16 profile-imageVAANI CHATUR Female NA
17 profile-imageKHUSHI NAGPURE Female NA
18 profile-imageBHAVYA SONKAR Female NA
19 profile-imageAARNA SHARMA Female NA
20 profile-imageSEJAL JADHAV Female NA
21 profile-imageAARNA SHARMA Female NA
22 profile-imageBHUMI MANDESHA Female NA
23 profile-imageSAMAIRA THAKUR Female NA

Under 8-Boys-Singles


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Under 8-Girls-Singles


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Under 10-Boys-Singles


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Under 10-Girls-Singles


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Under 8-Boys-Singles

Under 8-Girls-Singles

Under 10-Boys-Singles

Under 10-Girls-Singles

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